I work out with a trainer three days a week and on my own three days. For the most part, I watch what I eat and like most people, these days have cut back on red meat. So you would think that I would be really thin or at least at my ideal weight. But NO! I am Italian & apparently, the scales do not like us. As a matter of fact, neither do the clothing designers. Did I mention I’m Short! I can clearly remember trying on a dress for my wedding and the sales person saying ” you will just have to deal with your Mediterranean hips”. Also,  to add injury to insult, because I’m short, I have to shop in the petite department. Can somebody tell me when the definition for petite became “ugly”? Most shops have very few petite sizes and what they do have are all elastic waistbands and just plain & homely. So going shopping for me is like having teeth pulled, so I don’t go often. Anyone out there knows of a good store for us shorties ???